issue n. 1.出口;河口。 2.结果,结局;成绩。 3.收获,收益。 4.颁布,发行;发行额;发行物。 5.流出,(血、水等的)涌出;【病理学】出血,流脓。 6.【法律】子孙,子女。 7.论点;争论问题;商讨;【法律】争点,争端。 bring sth. To a successful issue 使某事圆满结束。 Decide the issue of the battle 决定战役胜败。 A bank of issue 发行银行。 A new issue(纸币等的)新发行;(书报等的)新版;(军需品等的)新发给。 Items of issue(军队的)补给品。 Monetary issue 货币放行。 The issue of an order 命令的颁布。 The latest issue 最近一期报刊。 An issue of blood = a bloody ,出血,流血。 Die without issue死后无子孙。 A major issue of principle 大是大非的问题。 A minor [side] issue 枝节问题。 Debate an issue 讨论问题。 Distinguish right from wrong on issues of major importance 分清大是大非。 The burning issue of the day 燃眉之急的问题。 At issue不一致,不相容;【法律】在争论中;待裁决的(be at issue with sb. 与某人意见不一致。 Point at issue 争点)。 Bring an issue to a close 把问题解决。 Face the issue正视事实,认真对待事实。 Force an issue 强迫对方表示态度。 In issue 在争论中。 In the issue 结局,到头来。 Issue of fact 事实上的争点。 Issue of law 法律上的争点。 Join issue (with) 对…持异议,和…争持;【法律】诉讼双方一同提出争持焦点请求裁决。 Make an issue of sth. 把某事当作问题,反对…。 Put to the issue 使对问题便于作出决定。 Raise a new issue 提出新论点。 Ride off on a side issue专谈枝节问题。 Take issue with sb. 反对某人,同某人争执。 vi. 1.出,流出,涌出,发出。 2.生,起;得…结果。 3.(报刊等的)发行,发布。 4.提出抗议,进行辩护。 5.【法律】传代,传下。 The students issued out into the streets. 学生涌到街上。 Blood issued from the cut. 血从伤口流出。 Smoke issuing from a chimney 从烟囱里涌出的烟。 The oversight issued in heavy losses. 疏忽造成重大损失。 Issue forth [out] 出来,跳出,迸出。 Issue from 生自…,是…的子孙。 vt. 1.使流出,放出。 2.发行(邮票等);发布(命令);发行(书刊);出版。 3.发给,配给。 issue an order 发布命令。 Issue ammunition to troops 发弹药给军队。
without without the gates 在门外。 things without us 外界事物。 without the pale of 在…的范围外。 without regard for 不顾。 without taking leave 假也不请(就…)。 without saying a word 不说一句话就。 all without exception 没有例外地都。 without day 没有日期,无限期。 without end 无限地,永远地;无止境地。 without reserve 不客气地。 It goes without saying that .... …那是不用说的[当然的]。 adv. 1.在外部;在户外;在屋外,在外面。 2.外面的,外表是。 3.在没有(某种不言而喻的东西)的情况下。 stand without 站在屋外。 listen to the wind without 倾听户外风声。 The apple is red without and white within. 苹果皮红肉白。 Never mind, I can manage without. 没关系我没有(那东西)也能凑合。 n. 外部,外面。 as seen from without 从外面来看。 〔古、卑〕除非,如果不。 He never goes out without he loses his umbrella. 他出门没有一次不丢伞的。
He died lonely without issues surrounding him 他孤独的死去没有子孙陪在身边。
Tropical cyclone without issuing of tropical cyclone warning signal in hong kong 该热带气旋并未导致天文台需要发出热带气旋警告信号。
State has exited , the socket is removed , and the address can be rebound without issue 状态退出之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定而不出问题。
Secondly , the process solves the problem that usdp is only a development process without issue of management 也解决了usdp只是一个开发过程,没有涉及管理问题的难题。
Not every dog is sensitive to food changes , and many will handle cold turkey changes without issue 但也不是每只狗对食物转换都是敏感的,很多狗对突然的食物转换并没有什么反应。
Also note the red , yellow , and green filters that you can use to remove objects without issues these were new in db2 v8 . 1 . 2 还请注意,红、黄、绿三色的过滤器可用于去除没有问题的对象(这些是db2 v8 . 1 . 3的新增特性) 。
This has issued draft rules allowing chinese companies to sell bonds maturing in more than a year without issue - by - issue approval 中国证监会的监管草案容许企业在发行支付期限超过一年期类别的债券时,免除单批发行时的批核。
Yesterday , wang had what has become a typical game for him , scattering seven singles and a double without issuing a walk 昨天是一场典型的投手战,小民先发7局只让对手击出零星的7支1垒安打及1之2垒安打,而且没有保送任何人。
The rocket struck out eight batters without issuing a walk , and would be pleased with more of the same as he makes his 14th start for new york 老克整场送出8个三振,没有出现任何保送,他很期望可以延续在洋基队这第14次先发这样的表现。
Applications featuring windows forms can run in a fully trusted environment without issue and in a semi - trusted environment with most of the functionality accessible 以windows窗体为特色的应用程序在完全受信任的环境中运行不会有任何问题;在不完全受信任的环境中运行时,大部分功能是可访问的。